dimanche 10 novembre 2013

Culture Scotland

The Romans invaded Britain in the 1st century AD, they added southern Britain to their empire as the province Britannia. They were unable though, to subdue the fierce tribes in the north. A massive wall was built across the island from sea to sea on demand by the Emperor Hadrian, to keep these tribes from invading Britannia. Parts of this Hadrian's Wall still stand on the Scottish border today. 

Scotland sport

The national football team of Scotland has played international football longer than any other nation in the world along with England. Scotland competed against England in the world's first international football match at the West of Scotland Cricket Club, Patrick, in 1872, the match ended 0-0. 

Scotland Music

Scottish music comes in many forms. First of all there are the summer shows you will find throughout Scotland, mostly aimed at tourists. These shows host a predominance of tartan, bagpipes, highland dancing, comedy and songs of hills and heather - essentially the image many tourists have of Scotland. They follow a successful recipe made famous by the television series 'The White Heather Club' broadcast in the 1960s.
Sir James Barrie, was born on 9 May 1860 in Scotland and died on 19 June 1937 in London, England. He was a dramatist and novelist who was probably best known for his fiction, Peter Pan, the boy who refused to grow up. He studied at the University of Edinburgh and spent quite a while on the Nottingham Journal before he set off to London as a free-lance writer in 1885. 

Scotland Festivals

Founded in 1947, the Edinburgh International Festival is an annual festival held in celebration of the arts. From reasonably humble beginnings over fifty years ago, it is now seen as one of the most significant celebrations of the arts in the world. 
Every year, an average of 217 000 people gather at Edinburgh Castle in order to watch the famous Military Tattoo. Begun in the year 1950 with just eight items in the program, the Military Tattoo has gone from strength to strength over the years. Now an average of 1000 participants strutting their stuff at Edinburgh Castle are regularly watched on television by millions of people world wide...
The Hogmanay Festival is essentially a new years celebration with a difference. This festival takes place on the 31st of December every year and is phenomenally well supported and raucous. It's a ticketed festival that starts quite early in the evening reaching its peak as expected at midnight with the ringing of bells and plenty of kissing. Then old folk song 'Auld Lang Syne' is sung and followed by more kissing. 
There are a number of Highland Games held through the highlands Scotland. Many of them have been taking place for so long that it is unknown when they were started or why. Today, however, they provide a showcase of traditional sporting events that are participated in and enjoyed by people of all nationalities. 
Every summer a unique four-day celebration is held in the Hebrides of Scotland. This musical festival is eagerly awaited by locals and tourists alike and it has grown in popularity at a remarkable rate since its inception in 1995. Despite its relative youth, the Hebridean Celtic Festival is the largest Celtic festival in the north of Scotland and it is a showcase of top Celtic talents. 
Every year people gather from all over the world to enjoy the Edinburgh International Jazz & Blues Festival. This is the biggest jazz event in Britain and it is generally held over ten days during the summer months in Scotland.
If the delicate sounds of the harp soothe your mind and body, you might be interested in attending the Edinburgh Harp Festival held in summer months in Edinburgh, Scotland. The festival was first held in 1982 and it offers a little something for everyone. It is usually held in the surroundings of the Merchiston Castle School. 

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